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Showing posts from December, 2022

If you choose to build the taxi app from scratch, here are some steps you can follow:

Define the app's requirements: Start by identifying the features and functionality you want the app to have. Consider things like booking a ride, paying for a ride, tracking the driver's location, and rating the driver. Design the app's user interface: Next, create wireframes or mockups to visualize how the app will look and function. This can help you refine the user experience and ensure that the app is easy to use. Set up the development environment: Install the necessary software and tools on your computer, such as Android Studio and the Android SDK. Implement the app's core functionality: Use Java or Kotlin to write the code for the app's core features, such as booking a ride, paying for a ride, and tracking the driver's location. Test the app: Test the app thoroughly to ensure that it is stable and performs as expected. Publish the app: Once the app is ready, publish it to the Google Play Store or another app store. Building a taxi app from scratch can be ...

simple PHP script that generates a list of potential titles for an app based on ASO

Here is a simple PHP script that generates a list of potential titles for an app based on ASO (App Store Optimization): Copy <?php // Array of keywords to use in the titles $keywords = array("Fast", "Easy", "Free", "Best", "Top", "Pro", "New", "Amazing", "Powerful", "Boost"); // Array of app categories to use in the titles $categories = array("Finance", "Utility", "Social", "Gaming", "Education", "Entertainment", "Sports", "News", "Travel", "Health"); // Generate 10 potential titles for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { // Select a random keyword and category $keyword = $keywords[array_rand($keywords)]; $category = $categories[array_rand($categories)]; // Generate and print the title $title = "$keyword $category App"; echo "$title\n"; } This s...

simple script that generates a list of potential titles for a app

Here is a simple script that generates a list of potential titles for a app, taking into consideration some best practices for search engine optimization (SEO): import random keywords = ['app', 'mobile', 'tool', 'utility', 'productivity', 'fun', 'game', 'entertainment'] titles = [] for keyword in keywords:   # Generate a list of potential titles using the keyword   titles += [     f'{keyword.capitalize()} App',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} for Mobile',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} Tool',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} Utility',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} for Productivity',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} for Fun',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} Game',     f'{keyword.capitalize()} for Entertainment',   ] # Shuffle the list of titles random.shuffle(titles) # Print the first 10 titles for i in range(10):   print(titles[i]) This script generates a list of titles by com...

Images convert into webp drag and drop

Here is an example of how you can convert a JPG, PNG, GIF, or ICO image to the WEBP format using JavaScript and the canvas element: // Select the file input element const fileInput = document.querySelector('#fileInput'); // Select the convert button const convertButton = document.querySelector('#convertButton'); // Select the download link element const downloadLink = document.querySelector('#downloadLink'); // Add an event listener to the convert button convertButton.addEventListener('click', () => {   // Get the file from the file input element   const file = fileInput.files[0];   // Create a new FileReader   const reader = new FileReader();   // Add an event listener for when the file has finished loading   reader.addEventListener('load', () => {     // Get the data URL of the file     const dataURL = reader.result;     // Create an image element     const image = new Image();     // Set the src of ...

Free online tool to convert jpg, png, gif, ico to webp image format online.

Free online tool to convert jpg, png, gif, ico to webp image format online. No upload, just select image in tool and click convert to webp button. Once converted, download button is enabled to download webp image. Here is a sample HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that you can use to create a simple online tool to convert JPG, PNG, GIF, and ICO images to the WebP format:  <!-- HTML --> <html>   <head>     <title>Image Converter</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">   </head>   <body>     <h1>Image Converter</h1>     <input type="file" id="input-file" accept=".jpg,.png,.gif,.ico">     <button id="convert-button">Convert to WebP</button>     <a id="download-link" download="converted.webp">Download</a>     <script src="script.js"></script>   </body> </html> /* CSS */ #inpu...

Free online tool to convert jpg to webp image format online.

Free online tool to convert jpg to webp image format online. No upload, just select image in tool and click convert to webp button. Once converted, download button is enabled to download webp image. Here is a sample code in JavaScript that you can use to convert a JPG image to the WebP format: function convertJpgToWebp(jpgUrl, callback) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function() { var canvas = document.createElement(&#39;canvas&#39;); canvas.width = image.naturalWidth; canvas.height = image.naturalHeight; canvas.getContext(&#39;2d&#39;).drawImage(image, 0, 0); var webpData = canvas.toDataURL(&#39;image/webp&#39;); callback(webpData); }; image.src = jpgUrl; } convertJpgToWebp(&#39;;, function(webpData) { console.log(webpData); // this is the WebP image data }); This code works by creating a canvas element, drawing the JPG image onto the canvas, and then using the canvas.toDataU...