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C++ Programming Tutorial - How to Install Code::Blocks in Ubuntu Linux - Learn Online

Installing Code::Blocks
How do I Install Code::Blocks
HOWTO: Installing Code::Blocks 10.05
How do you install Irrlicht on Code::Blocks?
How do you install CodeBlock on ubuntu?
codeblocks /bin/sh: g++: not found
Installing codeblocks on ubuntu
Installing Code::Blocks on Ubuntu 10.04?


  1. i need c and c++, THANKS a lot, i will install it. (y)

  2. i downloaded full instalation but i installed only for c/c++ i hope it will works for you. netbeans looks nice.

  3. my codeblocks didn't work on ubuntu doesn't work even on linux mint -.-

  4. +MR Meken I am having the same issue. Except that I'm trying to code C. I suppose you would say I need gcc, but I already got it, do you have any idea on how to fix that?

  5. +master race Yeah I have the same problem, its weird :(

  6. Muhammad Abdullah Tariq1 March 2017 at 15:18

    U need to install Xterm on ur OS..
    sudo apt-get install Xterm
    or search in your software center

  7. Thanks!!! its work!!!

  8. When I tried to build it said process terminated with status 127

  9. Very good explanations...Thanks..

  10. I was struggling to install the hard way and was very glad to find this video - thank you.

  11. Bem tranquilo pros brs que nao sabem inglês é soh seguir os desenhos :)

  12. I can see the console window.... or black window, i'm not sure of the name

  13. +Johnny Lamadd What about xterm? I mean, I installed it but its just a terminal... sorry, I'm new to Linux, I also use mint.

  14. youll need it to run codeblocks when you hit run/build in codeblocks. i got errors/nothing happening running hello world,etc. until i installed xterm.

  15. make sure xterm is installed if you get compiling problems. i use linux mint.

  16. Milan Vidojevic1 March 2017 at 15:18

    Why I can't make classes? When I include a class in main, it always says it doesn't exist.. Pls help :S

  17. thanks a lot man...

  18. Roumaissa Zebida1 March 2017 at 15:18

    think you

  19. Thanks a bunch!
    I changed to ubuntu because windows is so slow in my pc....I was so confused.

  20. Thank You.It was of great help.

  21. FYI... I've tried to install this (only) from the software center on linux mint which is built on Ubuntu; and got this error code: "Process terminated with status 255 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)". I fixed it by running "sudo apt-get install xterm" through the terminal. Then in C:B I went to settings> environment> general settings. In the general settings window there's a box with "terminal to launch console programs" close to the bottom. Here "xterm -T $TITLE -e" must be selected if it isn't already. That's what fixed it for me... I looked up a bunch of other things for 2 hours or so before I found this out.

  22. thanks for tutorials. this helps me and works too.

  23. i am using linux mint and not one compiler seems to work

  24. +Leverquin I have the same problem!!! Do you fix it? How? please! help me!

  25. i insalled netBeans IDE 8.0.2 you have for C/C++ if you need that but support HTML and Java and other stuff. Google it. You have on their site how to download it. I hope I helped You.


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